So you want to know more? We've been in publication for some time now. Giving out issues each month, we've had 8 issues so far. Each one a growing success as people realise the potential for the stick porn market. If you'd like to see some of the back issue extracts please click on the titles below:

Why do you want to know more? Like why or how we came up with the idea? Well like all you other freaks out there. Lets face it, you're here reading this, so there must be something wrong with you, OKAY OKAY, OR CURIOUS, anyways. We were bored and strapped for cash is the honest reason. We intend to turn this un-noticed industry into a billion pound installation! Though we'd also settle for dollars and francs and shit. Well not shit...... that's not worth a fuck.


First issue advertisement.



Remember, a stick a day

 keeps you healthay




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